Itchy ears is a common challenge when getting new hearing aids. Learn why this can happen and how to remedy it.
Whether this is your very first pair of hearing aids or you’re getting a different type of device than you’re accustomed to, you’re most likely going to need some time to adjust. This is especially true when getting a new pair of In-the-Ear (ITE) hearing aids. The good news is that this is perfectly normal, since it can take anywhere from two to four weeks to fully settle into your new hearing devices. In this post, we explore one of the common challenges associated with new ITE hearing aids, itchy ears, and how to best remedy it.
Itchy Ears
One of the most common challenges new ITE hearing aid users report is that their ears are itchy. This is to be expected, as the skin in the ear canal is very sensitive. Even though the sleeves of your hearing aids are soft and flexible, it’s natural to feel a tickling sensation when inserting your devices or as you wear them throughout the day. Remember, your brain and body need time to get used to your hearing aids, but this is only temporary. The more time you wear your hearing aids, the more you’ll get accustomed to how they feel inside your ear. Pretty soon, you’ll barely notice them at all.
If after a few weeks you’re still noticing that your ears feel itchy or that your skin is dry or irritated, try the following:
Apply a Lubricating Ear Solution
The simplest solution to dry, itchy ears when using new hearing aids is to apply a few drops of ear lubricant or moisturizer at night after removing your devices for the day. In the morning, wipe the area outside your ear canal before reinserting your devices to prevent any excess lubricant from getting into contact with your devices.
Make Sure Your Hearing Aids Fit Properly
A dry or itchy sensation in your ears can sometimes be attributed to the actual fit of your hearing aids. Check to make sure you are inserting them correctly (the red hearing aid goes in the right ear and the blue one goes in the left). When properly inserted, you shouldn’t have any gaps between your device and skin. If you are having trouble with device placement, which is also perfectly normal, try a different sized dome. If that doesn’t do the trick, reach out to us and we’ll guide you through the proper procedure.
Rule Out Other Causes for Itchy Ears
Sometimes, itchy ears can be the result of something completely unrelated to your hearing aids. You may just have naturally dry skin, an ear infection, earwax buildup, or seasonal allergies. If you are concerned that there may be a larger issue at play or are feeling any pain while wearing your hearing aids, visit your primary physician for a check up.